Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I won't be able to blog for a good bit (I'm assuming) due to this whole REDEPLOYMENT thing I'm doing (woo!). So in honor of the journey back to Hawaii I'm about to start... here are some photos I've taken while tromping about on other journeys (pics are happen to be from Canada, US, Peru, Panama, Italy, Iraq, and Spain). This pictures don't do these places justice, but they're reminders of the best of times. Now, I've got to FINALLY get to Australia, Africa, and Antarctica... NOT having been on every continent is really giving me an inferiority complex...



Good Tune: "Nothing More to Say"

This girl's name is Jessie James, and I saw her concert when she visited Iraq for one of those morale-booster concert things.  So since she supports the troops, I suppose I should support her.  This is a good song, with actual SINGING (not Kesha-like rhythmic sassy talking, although those type of songs have a special place on my iPod too).  Anyways, check it out.  The background music kind of reminds me of a Fray/One Republic tune, but the ballad overall is nice.  :)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Inspiration to Workout

I am very proud of the motivation some of my Soldiers showed on a run this morning and they inspired this post.  Here are some cute and motivational quotes to get your butt moving!  :)

"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being" -Plato

"I have to exercise in the morning before my brain figures out what I'm doing." -Marsha Doble

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." -Beverly Sills

"Restlessness is discontent - and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure." -Thomas Alva Edison

"People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things." -Norman Vincent Peale

"Run like an animal." -Pearl Izumi ad campaign

**And finally my personal favorite relating to LIFE, not just working out:**
"Nothing will work unless you do." -Maya Angelou

I hope those motivated at least someone.  You'll never regret getting good workout, but you will always regret NOT getting a good workout.  No hard workout matches the pain of not being respected.  :)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Girly Girl's Guide to Deployment (Shower!)

1.  Continuing with the sentiment that the Middle East environment can make your skin look like crocodile hide, the perfect body wash is moisturizing.  The best I've found is Olay Ribbons Body Wash.  I got sent the purple kind (thanks, Shannon), but I'm sure any of the 3 varieties are great.

2.  Shower shoes.  One accessory that you can actually use to "express yourself".  The ones pictured are mine (thanks, Meredith, xoxo!!).  Yes, I know I could use a pedicure, don't judge, I'm in Iraq.  Anyways, these are cute, are grippy on the bottom (no one wants to fall down in a public shower), and have a closed sole (some flip flops have a hole thru the bottom of the sole where the thong between the toes connects, but that just allows the chance of dirty public shower water to seep up to your feet, eek!).  So these ones are great, and according to the tag are Brazil-made, but able to be purchased at local Wal-Marts (you'd have to ask my college roomie Meredith to know for sure though.  :)

A Girly Girl's Guide to Deployment (Face!)

I've been in Iraq for 11 months and I've come to the conclusion that being deployed kind of sucks... and it's a special kind of "suckiness" experienced by the "girly girl" while deployed.  But we've still got to do our best with what we've got, right?

1.  From the moment you get to Kuwait your skin will dry out.  But if you try to moisturize before going out, you end up profusely sweating from heavy lotion suffocating your skin.  So, I moisturize before I go to bed.  I wake up with a glow-y face and the moisturizer already has soaked in.  I use Origins Eye Doctor (all over my face, not just on my eyes).  You obviously can't pick this up on camp, so you'll need a nice pal to send it over for you (for me this pal was Chris Beeler!).

2.  Don't forget sunscreen, you can't put this on before bed, so choose one that's light.

3.  Lose the face makeup (foundation, blush, bronzer).  And while we're at it ditch the eye shadow and heavy eyeliner. Do you REALLY need it?  HERE??

4.  Chapstick is a must-have.  No need to choose anything fancy-shmancy.  They all work the same from what I can tell...

5.  Wanting to feel at least a little girly?  Curling your eyelashes and a coat of mascara (waterproof) never hurt anyone.  :)

Friday, June 18, 2010

Never Surrender by Boykin

I've always preferred fiction, or non-fiction that at least read like fiction, but this book was good.  It follows William Boykin (retired Army 3-star) from his childhood to the end of his 29-year career.  The book's laced with wit, gives insight into special ops, shows the murkiness of Washington, and spotlights a deep appreciation of spirituality.  It'll make you chuckle, it'll make you tear up.  It's just that kind of book: perfect for someone in the military that is struggling with "God issues".

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Oprah wants to give a show to someone...

I think this guy deserves his own show!  I'm loving him!

Zach's oprah deal from Zach Anner on Vimeo.

Women's Leadership Symposium

I am getting involved in the planning of a Women's Leadership Symposium that currently involves only the sea services.  The Air Force has recently gotten in on the action, and I'm trying to get the ARMY in on it too!  I will be conference calling with the planners soon and am interested in what YOU have to say on following:

1)What topics should be covered?
2)Any particular speakers you have in mind?
3)New ideas on other specifics about a conference/symposium (events that should be incorporated, logistics, etc.)

Comment or send me a note!

Friday, June 11, 2010


MNothing new about my life to share on the blog today... but there's a new song out by someone you thought you'd never hear from again, but kind of wish you would: Michelle Branch.  Her new video is below.  I guess she partnered with Timbaland, who has the gold touch when it comes to pop hits, so I'm sure it will do well.  The song's catchy and all, but don't you think Michelle Branch kind of loses her Michelle Branch-iness in this song?  This could be any girl singing to Timbaland's background track (I think).

PS.  Who else is HATING Katy Perry's new image?  She needs to lose the blue wig (what is she hiding under there?)... and get some clothing that is a) less sparkly and b) more um, well, that don't show so much of her cleavage.  Am I right or am I just being too old-fashioned?

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Do you find yourself needing to kill a few minute with friends?  Think of movies to substitute the word "mustache" in (eg. "MUSTACHE of the Apes" instead of "Planet of the Apes").  If you have a sense of humor anything like mine, this activity is good for a few laughs.

Also, if you are an iPhone or iPod Touch owner and find yourself needing to be entertained... download the Tap Tap Revenge app.  It's free fun.

Love and Work (seperate things, obviously)

I ran into a friend I haven't seen in about a year (last time was in Kuwait on my way to START this deployment), and I congratulated her on her happy "coupledom".  I mean, why do we always wait until someone gets engaged or married to give congrats?  Shouldn't we be happy when our friends are happy... regardless of whether or not there's "a ring on it"?  I guess I should be congratulating more of my friends on their happy "singledom" too then...?

In other news, I had a Soldier cause a minor hulabaloo today.  Basically, while we are on a new camp, he goes somewhere without anyone seeing him leave the group.  He was found HOURS later at some random spot miles away (dumb HUGE camps).  Apparently we were chasing a moving target the whole time since he said he was around camp looking for us.  Thank God this all happened inside the wire...  This ordeal and other minor instances put quite the damper on my day, so I'm drowning my sorrows in shredded mini-wheats cereal, a few Girl Scout cookies, and blogging- which is only slightly pathetic I think.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

North Shore

Just thought I'd let you know, this is a picture of the backyard and house I will be living in in about 6 weeks.  I'll be living with two guys.  I'm fairly optimistic about the situation, my boyfriend thinks that I will hate living with dudes.  We'll see...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hammers, Apps, and Kid Kisses

Today at work, I needed a hammer.  So much like someone in need of a cold adult beverage would say "beer me", I exclaimed "Hammer me!" to everyone in the trailer.  Awkward hilarity ensued.

In other news, the "Lose It!" iPhone/iPod Touch app is something I recommend if you're wanting to lose or maintain a certain weight.  It automatically includes a large database of foods and exercises (you do not need to be connected to the internet to access the database) so you can track your calories and nutrients.  It's easy to use and FREE!

Also, I feel the need to explain my current profile picture, which you can see below as well.  It's me when I was about three years old with a boy named David (that's what my parents tell me he was named anyway).  Apparently we lived in the same neighborhood and when it came time for us to part ways one day, we locked lips.  And by "locked", I mean LOCKED.  His mom had time to run into her house, grab her camera, come back out, and snap this photo.  Cute, huh?  And no, I do not know where "David" is now.